Bike, Walk and Roll Safety

Cycle Safety- "Doing it Right"

Bike Kick Off BBQ Annie L. Gaetz April 29, 2019.JPG

8 reasons why you should Bike Walk and Roll:

1.  To get some exercise and improve your health

2.  To boost your focus and productivity

3. To encourage slower, safer traffic

4. To give you freedom and independence

5. To soak up some vitamin D by being outdoors

14 Walk 2018.jpg

6. It’s good for the environment

7. To clear your mind after a long day and especially because

8. It’s fun!

Safe Communities Central Alberta and the Red Deer Primary Care Network worked with some community partners to create a series of bike, walk and roll videos which promote safety and injury prevention. Have a look, use them, and give us some feedback.

Doing it Right

Wear the Gear

Be Visible

Rules and Attitude

Bike Fitting

ABC Bike Check

Basic Skills

Riding on Paths and Trails

Skills for the Road 

Ride Safely - Doing it Right

Bike Walk and Roll Resource Links:  

Booklet on "how to ride"
Cycling Safety and the Law - Calgary website link
CAA Website
ICBC Teaching Program - Bike Smarts 
AAA Website
Safe Roads - Helmet Fitting & Rules

Let us know what you think. Email